About Us

Roztoczanska School of Ultrasound was founded in January 1999, RSU is one of the oldest and one of the most prestigious providers of ultrasound education in Poland. The School’s offer includes basic and advanced ultrasound courses on various subjects. Since the beginning we have organized over 600 practical courses for over 30 000 participators. Our aim is to provide the doctors with a practical science of disparate types examination methods in ultrasound of tissues and organs. Our participators also learn methods of working with patients, stay up to date on the latest technology in the field and developing their knowledge to provide the best care and diagnoses possible. The courses have been conducted by faculty members who have achieved highly qualified status and became leaders and experts in ultrasound science and medical diagnostic which is the best guarantee of successful learning experience. Our courses include a sequence of theoretical and practical classes for a group of 50 participators. To increase effectiveness of learning and activeness we form small groups for four or five people during practical classes. We know from experience that when participators feel engaged and included, they fell more satisfied with their courses. Every course organized by RSU is under the meritorical supervision of Polish Ultrasound Society. 

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